Side Hustle For Teachers: 20 Ways to Boost Your Income

The concept of a side hustle earning income outside of a regular job is increasingly popular today. For teachers, this might be particularly relevant. Despite their essential role in shaping the future, teachers often find themselves in a financial pinch. The need for a side hustle arises for various reasons: to supplement income, save for the future, or even explore a passion. This article aims to provide teachers with 20 different side hustle options that can fit into their unique schedules and skill sets.

The Importance of a Side Hustle for Teachers

Financial Benefits

The first and most obvious reason for exploring side hustles is the financial aspect. Teachers’ salaries vary depending on the location and level of education they are involved in, but it’s commonly known that many educators aren’t exactly rolling in dough. Side hustles can serve as a financial cushion, helping teachers meet expenses, save for vacations, or build an emergency fund. Some side hustles might even evolve into a substantial income stream, offering a sense of financial freedom that a single job might not provide.

Work-Life Balance

Another benefit is the flexibility that comes with many side hustles. Unlike a 9-to-5 job that demands your presence in a specific location, several side hustles can be done remotely or during off-hours. This is particularly important for teachers with commitments during the school day and family responsibilities afterward. A well-chosen side hustle can align with your schedule, allowing you to earn extra money during weekends, holidays, or even late evenings when you have free time. This flexibility can contribute to a healthier work-life balance, enabling you to earn extra without sacrificing personal time or well-being.

Side Hustle For Teachers - Photo by Istock at Istock
Side Hustle For Teachers – Photo by Istock at Istock

Skills Development

Lastly, side hustles offer an excellent opportunity for skills development. Teaching is a highly specialized profession that demands a specific set of skills. While these skills are undoubtedly valuable, they often don’t provide much room for diversification in a professional setting. A side hustle allows teachers to explore other interests and develop new skills that might not directly relate to their primary occupation but could be beneficial in the long run. This could be anything from business management to graphic design or even woodworking. Expanding your skill set makes you more versatile and opens doors for future opportunities.

Teachers can supplement their income, strike a better work-life balance, and diversify their skills by engaging in a side hustle. Whether it’s to pad your savings account or explore a new area of interest, the benefits of a side hustle for teachers are manifold.

Things to Consider Before Starting a Side Hustle

Before you jump into a new venture, it’s essential to consider a few key points to ensure that your side hustle will be worth your time and won’t conflict with your primary job as a teacher. Here are some factors to think about:

Time Commitment

The first thing to consider is how much time you can dedicate to a side hustle. Teachers already have a demanding job that involves lesson planning, grading, and much more beyond classroom hours. Evaluate your daily and weekly schedules to see where a side hustle could fit without overwhelming you or interfering with your teaching responsibilities.

Skills Needed

Consider your skills and how they could translate into a potential side hustle. Some teachers find that their skills in education allow them to offer tutoring services, create educational content, or even consult. However, a side hustle can also be a chance to try something new and develop different skills if you’re willing to invest the time and energy to learn.

Initial Investment

Many side hustles require some form of initial investment, whether it’s purchasing equipment, setting up a website, or buying materials. Assess the financial aspect carefully, considering how long it might take to recoup this investment and start earning a profit. Ideally, you would start with a side hustle with a low entry barrier and minimal startup costs.

Legal Considerations

Before starting any side hustle, it’s crucial to be aware of any legal restrictions that might apply. Check your employment contract to see if a non-compete clause would prohibit you from engaging in certain types of work outside your primary job. You may also need to consider taxes, business licenses, and other regulatory requirements. When in doubt, consult with a legal advisor to ensure you comply with all local, state, and federal laws.

By thoughtfully considering these factors, you’ll be in a strong position to choose a side hustle that complements your life as a teacher. The aim is to find something that boosts your income and enriches your life in other ways without causing unnecessary stress or legal complications.

23 Side Hustle Ideas for Teachers

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of side hustles and what to consider before diving in, let’s get to the exciting part of actual side hustle ideas! Here are some you might find intriguing:

1. Tutoring

If you’re a teacher, you’re already an expert in educating others. Why not leverage that skill in a more personalized setting? You can offer tutoring services in your area of expertise, either in-person or online. The digital age makes connecting with students in need locally and globally easier than ever.

Online Tutoring - Photo by Istock at Istock

2. Educational Consulting

Your insights as a teacher are valuable, not just in the classroom but also in the broader educational ecosystem. Educational consulting can involve working with companies that produce educational materials, schools looking to revamp their curricula or educational nonprofits. You could be involved in curriculum design, educational program assessment, or teacher training.

3. Freelance Writing

Writing is an excellent avenue for teachers to explore, especially those who excel in language arts. Many outlets, both online and offline, require high-quality educational content. You could write lesson plans, educational blogs, e-books, or even articles for academic journals. The plus side is that you can do this from the comfort of your home, fitting it around your existing commitments.

Content Writing - Photo by Istock at Istock

These are just three ideas to get you started, but the sky is the limit regarding side hustles for teachers. The key is to find something that aligns with your skills and interests while also being feasible regarding time commitment and initial investment.

4. Selling Lesson Plans

One of the teachers’ most straightforward side hustles is selling lesson plans and teaching resources. If you’ve developed unique and practical materials, why not share them with other educators? Websites like TeachersPayTeachers provide a platform for you to do just that. The best part is that it’s a passive income stream; you do the work once and can earn money every time someone downloads your resources.

5. Educational YouTube Channel

Creating an educational YouTube channel could be an exciting way to share your knowledge if you’re comfortable in front of a camera. You could create video walkthroughs of complex topics, provide teaching tips, or even share day-in-the-life videos to help aspiring teachers understand the profession better. While it may take some time to build a following, a successful YouTube channel can become a significant source of income.

6. Teaching a Night Class/Community College

For those who love the classroom environment but are looking for something a little different from their day job, teaching a night class at a community college can be a rewarding experience. Whether it’s a subject related to your field or something you’re passionate about, teaching adult learners or college students in the evenings can be a great way to earn extra income without straying too far from your comfort zone.

Each option leverages your skills as an educator but in a different context, offering you both financial benefits and a chance to stretch your creative muscles.

Side Hustles For Women - Photo by Istock at Istock

7. Online Courses

Creating online courses is a fantastic way for teachers to scale their impact and earn a significant income. If you have expertise in a specific subject area, curriculum design skills, and a knack for explaining things clearly, this could be an excellent fit for you. Platforms like Udemy make it relatively easy to host and sell your courses. Best of all, much like selling lesson plans, this can become a form of passive income.

8. Skill-based Workshops

If you possess a skill others are keen to learn, conducting workshops could be a fulfilling and lucrative side hustle. This could be anything from a one-off workshop on creative writing techniques to a series of sessions on effective classroom management. Your existing network through your school and local community can be a great starting point to market these workshops.

9. Podcasting

Podcasting is another medium that has gained immense popularity and can serve as an excellent platform for teachers. You can focus your podcast on educational topics, providing insights and advice to fellow educators. Alternatively, you could cover broader subjects that interest you. While podcasting can take time to monetize, it’s an excellent platform for building a personal brand and can be fun.

These additional options further demonstrate that the skills teachers possess are not just applicable within the confines of the classroom. They can be translated into a variety of avenues that not only earn extra income but also provide personal and professional growth opportunities.

10. Crafting and Selling Educational Materials

If you’re crafty, you can design and sell educational materials such as customized stationery, flashcards, or classroom decorations. Websites like Etsy provide an online marketplace where you can sell these items to a broader audience. This can be a relaxing and creative outlet that also brings in extra income.

Handmade Crafts - Photo by Istock at Istock
Handmade Crafts – Photo by Istock at Istock

11. Test Prep Coaching

Standardized tests are a significant milestone for many students, and parents are often willing to invest in extra coaching to help their children succeed. Test prep coaching can be lucrative if you excel in subjects commonly tested like Math, Science, or English. You can offer this service in-person or online and potentially make a significant amount per hour.

12. Book Reviews

Many teachers are avid readers, especially of educational literature. Your insights into education-related books can be valuable to others in the field. Some educational publications, blogs, or even publishing companies pay for well-written, insightful book reviews. This is a great way to merge your love for reading with an opportunity to earn extra money.

These additional ideas continue to showcase the versatility and applicability of a teacher’s skill set. From crafting educational materials to providing specialized coaching and writing book reviews, the options are diverse, rewarding, and can be tailored to suit your interests and schedule.

13. Etsy Shop for School Supplies

If you have a flair for design, consider opening an Etsy shop focused on customized school supplies like planners, markers, and other classroom essentials. Teachers and students alike love unique, personalized items, and you can reach a large audience online.

14. Virtual Assistant

Many businesses and entrepreneurs need help with administrative tasks like email management, scheduling, and data entry. You’re already skilled in organization and multitasking as a teacher, making you a perfect candidate for virtual assistant roles.

15. Resume Writing

You probably have a good grasp of what educational institutions are looking for in job candidates. Offering a resume writing service can be a great way to help others land their dream jobs, including fellow teachers.

16. Proofreading and Editing Services

Teachers have a knack for catching grammatical errors and inconsistencies. Offering your skills in proofreading and editing academic papers can be both rewarding and profitable.

17. Photography

If you have photography skills, offer your services for school events, family portraits, or even professional headshots for teachers. It’s a creative outlet and another potential income stream.

Photography - Photo by Istock at Istock
Photography – Photo by Istock at Istock

18. Translation Services

If You’re Bilingual, If you’re proficient in more than one language, your skills can be highly sought after for translation services. This can be particularly rewarding if you can provide educational translations.

19.  Affiliate Marketing

Through Educational Products. Consider promoting educational products that you find useful and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique link. This can work well through a blog, YouTube channel, or social media.

Affiliate Sales - Photo by Istock at Istock

20. Personal Finance Coaching

Utilize Your Budgeting and Financial Skills. Teachers have to be masters of budgeting, given their often-limited salaries. Use your financial skills to offer personal finance coaching to help others manage their money better.

The world of side hustles is vast and diverse, offering something for everyone. From crafting and selling products to leveraging your language skills, there are numerous paths you can take to boost your income and enrich your professional life.


We’ve explored a broad range of side hustle ideas tailored specifically for teachers, showcasing that the skills you’ve honed in the classroom can be applied in many ways beyond it. The opportunities are diverse and plentiful, from creative outlets like crafting and photography to more academic pursuits like tutoring and test prep coaching. Even with a busy teaching schedule, many of these side hustles can be adapted to fit your lifestyle, providing additional income, professional growth, and personal satisfaction.

Whether you opt for one of these 20 options or come up with a unique venture of your own, the most important step is to take action. A side hustle can start as a small project but has the potential to grow into something much larger and even more rewarding. So, go ahead, dive in, and discover what exciting opportunities await you beyond the classroom.

 FAQs For Side Hustle For Teachers

How do I find the time for a side hustle as a busy teacher?

Finding time for a side hustle can be challenging, especially with a teaching schedule. However, many side hustles are flexible and can be done during weekends, evenings, or school holidays. Start small and see how it fits into your life.

Do I need to invest much money to start a side hustle?

The initial investment varies depending on the type of side hustle. Some, like freelance writing or virtual assistance, require minimal upfront costs. Others may require a more significant investment, like starting an Etsy shop or flipping houses. Do your research and plan accordingly.

Are there legal considerations I should be aware of?

Yes, some teaching contracts have non-compete clauses that may restrict certain types of side hustles. Always check your employment contract and consult a legal advisor if unsure.

How do I market my side hustle?

There are various ways to market your side hustle, from social media and networking to creating a website or blog. Your existing colleagues, friends, and family network is also valuable.

How can I be sure that my side hustle is profitable?

Profitability often takes time and effort to establish. Start by doing market research to assess demand for your service or product. Then, carefully monitor your income and expenses, adjusting your strategy as needed.

Can I turn my side hustle into a full-time job?

Yes, many people have successfully turned their side hustles into full-time ventures. However, it generally takes time, dedication, and a well-thought-out business plan.

Do I need to pay taxes on my side hustle income?

Yes, income from your side hustle is generally taxable. It’s advisable to consult a tax professional to understand your obligations and potential deductions.

Can I do more than one side hustle at a time?

It’s possible, but juggling multiple side hustles and a full-time teaching job can be challenging. Consider your time commitments and stress levels carefully.

What if my side hustle fails?

Failure is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey and provides valuable lessons. If your side hustle doesn’t work out, don’t be discouraged. Evaluate what went wrong, adjust your approach, and try again or explore a different avenue.

Is it worth the effort to have a side hustle?

A side hustle can offer extra income and opportunities for personal and professional growth, making it worthwhile for many. However, the “worth” is subjective and depends on your goals and circumstances.

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